Daily Archives: January 23, 2010

And now, a pretty

My lovely friend Ben and her equally lovely husband sent me these a few weeks ago, as a ‘damn, it’s a Zombie Embryo’ consolation gift.

Britain was still under inches and inches of shiny white fluff at the time, so H put on his photographer’s zen mellow and spent an afternoon in the yard with his second-best camera (while I lay in bed and stared irritably at the snow-reflections on the ceiling). And then the flowers came back into the warm and decorated the dining-table for over a week. And then, we got to keep the rather glamorous green glass vase. Yes! They came with a vase! Fabulous present, eh?

And THEN it took me this long to remember to ask H to email me a jpg of the flowers, so I could boast to the internets about just how amazing and wonderful my friends are.

I’m a bit… scatty… at the moment. Sorry about that.

More boasting about my exceedingly cool friends tomorrow. Stay tuned!